Question: 1 / 170

Which process requires a variance from the regulatory authority?

Charbroiling steaks

Sprouting seeds or beans

The process of sprouting seeds or beans requires a variance from the regulatory authority because it involves growing food in a way that can create conditions conducive to the growth of pathogens. This process often takes place in a controlled environment where moisture and warmth promote sprouting, which can also lead to bacterial growth if not properly monitored. To ensure food safety, regulatory authorities require establishments to obtain a variance, demonstrating that they have adequate measures in place to manage these risks effectively. The variance helps ensure that the food handling practices are aligned with public health standards, minimizing the potential for foodborne illnesses associated with sprouted seeds and beans. Other processes like charbroiling steaks, marinating meats, or frying chicken typically fall within established food safety protocols and practices that do not require a variance because they are standard cooking methods with specific guidelines that are well understood and regulated.

Marinating meats

Frying chicken


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